“Rooted” is a two-year giving initiative to maximize GBC’s invaluable campus and launch GBC into the next season of ministry.

Letter from Pastor Brent

In 2017 Sarah and I began praying with open hands that the Lord would bring us to a church that fit several different hopes. Among them was a church who had experienced a season of hurt for which we might be able to see our redeeming God do a beautiful work of revitalization for His namesake. The Lord answered our prayer in bringing us to Grace Bible Church.

Seventy-two years have passed since the first generation of Grace stepped forward in faith to plant a multigenerational disciple-making congregation in the shadow of SFA. Since that time Grace has chosen to set her roots deeper and deeper on this campus. Our prayer now as elders and leaders is that God would allow Grace Bible Church to be ROOTED even deeper in Christ, in community, and here for generations to come.

I believe that standing before us is an incredible opportunity to make room for people who are hungry for the Word of God. As the prior generations of Grace sacrificially made room for us that we might know Him deeper and proclaim Him with greater clarity and love, so too let us take this sacrificial next step together.

As you were the answer to my prayers 6 years ago, we have the opportunity to answer so many more through ROOTED. Come, let us tend to our roots, till the soil, and position the next generation for greater impact for the eternal glory of our God.

Proudly rooted with you,

Brent Bullard

We have incredible ministry leaders and a staff team of overcomers, but our facilities are beginning to restrict our mission. Our mission compels us to maximize our facilities for ministry, making it possible to better equip the saints for the work of ministry. If we do not act, our imbalanced facilities will inhibit our ability to make deeply rooted disciples in the years to come.

The Rooted Giving Initiative is our opportunity to do as previous generations of GBC have done: make room for others to be rooted in Christ, join us in community, and bless the body for generations to come.

Rooted In Christ

We want to equip parents to raise children who have an unashamed love for God and His Word, with a strong biblical worldview.

We want to create engaging indoor and outdoor spaces for training teenagers and college students to be fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.

We want to facilitate a more robust adult discipleship pathway, adult ministries, classes, and groups. This project will free up 16 classrooms for student and adult education.

We want to reflect our love for families to our community as we provide for their physical security and spiritual well-being.

Rooted In Community

We want to foster fellowship between guests and members by creating a warm gathering space.

We want to encourage our congregation to connect, edify, pray, and laugh together.

We want to connect people in all seasons of life.

We want to facilitate church events of all kinds comfortably and hospitably.

Rooted For Generations

We want to be more accessible and inviting to all.

We want to facilitate hospitality by being warm and attractive.

We want to create additional space for kids, student, and adult involvement.

We want to share the blessing beyond our walls by first maximizing our campus and investing in our church’s stability.

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Primary Goal

100% engagement

At Grace Bible Church, we believe that sacrificial giving is an important fruit of healthy discipleship. Jesus taught us that where our treasure is, there our heart will be also (Matt 6:21). We believe the ROOTED Giving Initiative has the potential to be a transformative season for our discipleship as a church.

Our primary goal in this initiative is 100% engagement - that every family, individual, and student would feel God’s call to a life of sacrificial stewardship. Would you engage with God in prayer about this opportunity to partner with GBC financially?

Secondary Goal

$6 million

The total cost of the project is $6 million, which will allow us to transform our campus, maximizing the space that has been lovingly and sacrificially expanded by every previous generation of Grace Bible Church. Our goal is to raise $3 million dollars in pledges during the Rooted Giving Initiative.

Undertaking the Rooted Giving Initiative and meeting this goal will allow us to create space and opportunity for all of Grace. This project will both address current needs and free up space elsewhere. Every ministry will benefit!

Partner with us!

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