Most of the charter members of Grace Bible Church had their roots in the Nacogdoches Presbyterian Church (USA). In the 1930's and 1940's, the Presbyterian Sunday School literature questioned divine inspiration and the infallibility of the scriptures. Some of the teachers objected to this departure from orthodox doctrine. As a result, a judicial commission from the Presbyterian Church came to investigate the Nacogdoches church. After discussions with the Sunday school teachers, the protesters were relieved of their teaching duties. The following Sunday, the teachers were publicly dismissed from the pulpit and new teachers were appointed. Soon thereafter in the fall of 1940, thirty-six people who were committed to the fundamentals of the Christian faith organized what is known today as Grace Bible Church.
They first met in the basement of the Liberty Hotel, now known as the Gladys Hampton Building. In the spring of 1941, James Comstock, a recent graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, accepted the call as pastor. In March 1942, the congregation purchased a building on the corner of Fredonia Street and Hospital Street, which had been left vacant when the Southern Presbyterian Church that had met there disbanded. James Comstock resigned in October of 1943 to accept the chaplaincy of a Service Center in Dallas, Texas, and he later founded the Shenandoah Bible College of Roanoke, Virginia. In November 1944, Elmer Henderson began his ministry at Grace Bible Church, serving until his retirement in 1968.
Recognizing the need for a larger sanctuary and more adequate Sunday school rooms, the church made plans for expansion. The decision was made to purchase a lot on the corner of Hayter Street and Raguet Street, and a building committee was appointed. The building was completed, and the dedication service was held July 29, 1951. The people of Grace Bible formed a commitment to be a healthy multigenerational congregation located nearly on the campus of Stephen F. Austin. The large bell next to the present sanctuary was moved from the belfry of the old church.
A great spiritual revival was taking place on the college campuses of America, including the campus at Stephen F. Austin. Because so many college students started attending Grace Bible Church, two services were held each Sunday morning in the old chapel. Our pastor at the time, John Smeltzer, taught systematic theology on Sunday nights, and these meetings were well attended. Since Stephen F. Austin closed its dining halls on Sunday evenings, several women of the church decided to feed the college students on Sunday nights. The free meals became known as "Lupper", later as "Seminar Ill," and still later as "College Night Out." At least six students went on to graduate from Dallas Theological Seminary, becoming full-time Christian workers. The Lord has always given Grace a heart for reaching and discipling the generations.
GBC began implementing small group Bible studies. GBC had seven small groups that met in private homes. GBC saw the need to invite new families into the church and the small groups met this need. Today Grace has well over 20 small groups that meet all over Nacogdoches county. Over the next several years, GBC sent fifteen students to Dallas Theological Seminary, the most in the nation. Also, in the late 1970's the church built a new sanctuary facing Hayter Street as well as a new Educational Complex and a Fellowship Hall on Wettermark Street.
The congregation grew rapidly. Two services were instituted on Sunday mornings. Small group ministry was again emphasized. The college ministry was expanded and renamed "Crosspoint." Missions has always been a large part of the ministry at Grace Bible. Through the years, the church has sponsored many missionaries, hosted mission's conferences and desired to be a church that would install a heart of missions from her youngest to oldest members. Throughout her history, Grace has demonstrated and combined an abiding commitment to the Word of God with a flexibility for growth.
The church grew and built a new sanctuary across Hayter Street which almost doubled our seating capacity. The former sanctuary space was converted to classroom space to better equip and train the body. Today these former adult classrooms are filled with children K-5th grade as God has rapidly grown our ministries to young families. A true answer to prayer.
From 2014 - 2016 a growing differentiation became clear over doctrine, vision, and church governance between the lead pastors and the elders of GBC. These differences made a continued working relationship unsustainable. As a result, we went through a "split" which included some refining times, but thankfully those remaining in leadership continually relied on the Lord for wisdom. The congregation of Grace Bible Church was resilient in prayer and steadfast in serving and devotion to one another. The congregation was generous and God was so gracious to us in this season. The church centered upon four key discipleship values - Word, Worship, Service, and Family that we believe described both who GBC was in our DNA and also marked healthy disciples in any culture and generation. In April 2018, we called our current senior pastor, Dr. Brent Bullard. God has blessed us with a new season of clarity, stability, and healthy growth. We give all glory to God!
Through the years the Lord has been faithful as our people have chosen to rest in the authority and sufficiency of the Word of God. Our elders provide oversight to our ministries and maintain our mission of making fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. We have been blessed to have a skilled, united, and loving staff team who directs the equipping efforts of GBC.
Our members drive three specific ministry teams. Facilities and Maintenance Team (who provides care and counsel for how to best take care of the facilities we have been entrusted due to the prior generosity of God's people), the Finance and Administration Team (who provided accountability and counsel for our elders in establishing our annual budget to best steward the present generosity of God's people), the Campus Development Team (who anticipates growth and provides counsel to help the elders anticipate what could be). Facilities ought to facilitate ministry. We are grateful to be the beneficiaries of the financial and spiritual giftings of prior generations and we embrace the call to present generosity of our finances and spiritual giftings for the future generations of Grace.
Grace has thousands of disciples serving and leading in churches all around Texas and the world as healthy church leaders and members, due to this strategic outpost that God has placed us and the multi-generational vision He has entrusted to us. To God be the glory for the fruit He has brought in and through the congregation of Grace Bible since 1940. We are praying for you as you are reading our history and asking God to give you the discernment to plant roots in our or another congregation of like convictions as the Spirit works to advance His mission and Kingdom until God calls us all home to see Him face to face.