Women's Bible Study: Becoming God's People
January 21-April 30, 2025, Tuesday or Wednesday options
We love God because He first loved us. Following God also starts with Him. Join us to discover how to follow God on His terms as we glean from the lessons He gave Israel in becoming His people. We will journey from the deliverance in Exodus to the settling of the Promised Land.
STUDY: BECOMING GOD’S PEOPLE (Exodus-Joshua) Fall/Spring Study
Tuesday Nights 6-7:45pm (meal option), Wednesday Mornings 9:30-11:15am Childcare option
Wednesday Lunch Group 12:05 - 12:55 (meal option)
STUDY BOOK Cost: $25 covers both semesters (1 book)
MEAL OPTIONS Cost: $25 per semester if you choose the meal for Tue pm or Wed noon
CHILDCARE: Requires advanced signup. Special care requirements must be handled through our Little Kids Director, Katy Mitchell. katy@gracebiblechurch.com
The Way - Step 2
January 26, 2025
Who is God? How do we know him? How do we live for him? Step 2 of The Way provides ancient answers to these fundamental questions through the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, and the Ten Commandments.
Participants will complete the provided workbook each week before gathering on Sunday to discuss as a group. Groups are available at 9:30am, 11am and 5pm. Childcare available.
Discover Grace
January 26, 2025, Discover Building, 8:45am-10:30am
What do we believe? How did we get here? How do I become a member? If you are interested in getting connected at GBC, sign up for Discover Grace below!
February 3-April 14, 2025, Henderson Hall, Mondays, 6pm-8pm
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.
Men's Lunch
February 4, 2025, Noon-1pm, Henderson Hall
GBC’s Men’s Ministry exists to foster a community of men that know each other well, build each other up, and learn from one another how to follow Jesus in all of life.
Bring your own lunch. We’ll provide the drinks and dessert!
Third Thursday Lunch
February 20, Henderson Hall, Noon
Women, you are invited to a catered lunch for just $8. It’s a great opportunity to enjoy a meal with both familiar faces and new acquaintances.
More info to come!
Men's Retreat
February 21(3:30 pm) - Saturday, Feb 22 (6:00 pm), 2025
GBC’s Men’s Ministry exists to foster a community of men that know each other well, build each other up, and learn from one another how to follow Jesus in all of life.
$75 for adults, $25 for college students.