GriefShare is a 13-week class for those who are grieving the death of a friend or family member. Each session covers an individual topic, so you can jump in at any time. You do not have to attend in sequence. You will find encouragement and help whenever you begin. The class can be repeated at no cost.
The GriefShare class meets weekly for 2-hour sessions. Each week your group will watch a video seminar. GriefShare videos cover topics essential to your recovery from the hurt of grief and loss. They feature interviews with grief recovery experts, dramatized scenes, and real-life stories of people who have experienced the death of a loved one. Group members also have a workbook for personal study and to write things you’ve learned.
You’ll have the chance to talk about your experiences. It can be very healing to tell others what you are going through, and to hear their stories. The group sessions include a time to talk about what you’ve seen on the GriefShare videos and what is going on in your own life. And while you have the opportunity to tell your story, there’s never pressure for you to do so if you don’t feel like it.
GriefShare is a warm, caring environment designed to help you on your unique grief journey. The leadership team for GriefShare consists of people who understand how you feel and have a real concern for individuals experiencing the grief of loss. Most GriefShare leaders have experienced significant losses in their lives and are examples of the healing and restoration that can occur as an outgrowth of deep grief. Group members learn how to go through a healthy season of grieving, then begin transitioning to emotional and spiritual wholeness.
Our heart is that all who participate in the GriefShare program experience comfort through God’s powerful capacity to heal and restore as only He can. We feel that along with the privilege God gives us to experience his never-ending mercies, we have a responsibility to strive to walk in the will of God, and uphold and defend his perfect plan for man whom he so wonderfully and lovingly created, as recorded in His Word. This plan, as we understand it, can be obtained by asking for a copy of Grace Bible Church's Statement of Faith, Article 11, on The Responsibility of Believers.